A Look Into the History of the Church of God in North Georgia

No one could have ever imagined that from a tiny group of people meeting in a mountain church in north Georgia that it would grow to over six million members in over 120 countries. In 1902 the Jones church located near McCaysville has now grown to over 280 churches and 115,000 members from the Georgia Tennessee border to Macon. It is the strongest membership base in the continental United States for the church of God and can only be attributed to the Power of the Holy Spirit that initiated its birth.

Now as we face challenges as never before the Church of God remains firm that its core values will transcend those challenges and the greatest harvest is yet to be seen in North Georgia. Those core values are shown here.

The history of North Georgia has been a demonstration of the hand of God upon men and women who dared to believe that he could and would use them to accomplish his work.  The task is by no means finished and difficulties faced today are so different than at any point in history. But God has always had men and women ready to respond in faith to every challenge and today is no different. The methodology can and must change but the spiritual DNA OF THE PAST MUST BE BROUGHT with us to meet those challenges. And it will.

Goals and Commitments


Every local church becoming a house of prayer for all nations

Pentecostal Worship

We commit to gather as a part of the larger Body of Christ to participate in Pentecostal worship that exalts God.

World Evangelism

To share the gospel with every nation of the world.

Church Planting

To equip new church planters to strategically plant life giving and culturally relevant churches.

Leadership Development

To identify and equip leaders to fulfill their God-given call and assignment.


To be the expression of the love of Christ in the Body of Christ and to the world.


As a member of the Body of Christ we realize our dependency upon each other


We are committed to communicate the gospel by whatever means possible.


To raise up a generation of mature believers who can defend and communicate their faith as committed followers of Jesus Christ


We are committed to educate and equip believers for life and fulfilling the call of God on their lives according to the gifts he has given each member.